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프로그래머스 스쿨 - 공원 산책(Python)(복습)

by 보안매크로 2023. 10. 3.
result = []
x = 0
y = 0

def solution(park, routes):
    for i in range(len(park)):
        for j in range(len(park[i])):
            if park[i][j] == 'S':
                x = j
                y = i
    for route in routes:
        sx = x
        sy = y
        for step in range(int(route[2])):
            if route[0] == 'E' and sx != len(park[0])-1 and park[sy][sx+1] != 'X':
                sx += 1
                if step == int(route[2])-1:
                    x = sx
            elif route[0] == 'W' and sx != 0 and park[sy][sx-1] != 'X':
                sx -= 1
                if step == int(route[2])-1:
                    x = sx
            elif route[0] == 'S' and sy != len(park)-1 and park[sy+1][sx] != 'X':
                sy += 1
                if step == int(route[2])-1:
                    y = sy
            elif route[0] == 'N' and sy != 0 and park[sy-1][sx] != 'X':
                sy -= 1
                if step == int(route[2])-1:
                    y = sy
    return [y, x]